The Train-the-Trainer Initivative


At the Charles Bebeye Ndiomu Foundation, we understand how important teachers are to the success story of education. This is why the Foundation organises teachers' training seminars and workshops across the country.

Furthermore, in an effort to sustain the legacy of the late Major General Charles Bebeye Ndiomu, who was an educationist through and through, and for whom the Foundation is named, the Foundation undertakes the training of teachers in rural communities within Nigeria.

Recognising that a teacher cannot impart what he does not possess, the Train-the-Trainer Initiative is geared towards providing teachers in these areas with a means of continuing education, to bring them up to speed with current teaching methods that help them in preparing their lesson notes for a more robust teaching and learning experience.


Each year, the Foundation identifies a state within the geo-political zones in the country and working with its Ministry of Education, the Foundation and its technical advisers identify forty teachers across the local governments of the target State, who are then invited to a two-day training on Classroom Management and Activity-Oriented Lessons in core subject areas.

In addition to the training manuals and other materials, a daily sustenance allowance as well as lunch is provided for the duration of the training. Certificates of Workshop Participation are handed out to attendees at the closing ceremony of the training.

Your support is needed to towards ensuring these valuable sessions are held at least annually. Please click the "Sponsor this Project" button        to support.